DCP Social Network:

Corporate Governance

Home Corporate Governance

Defining roles and responsibilities is increasingly important in order to respond to organisational, legal and optimisation requirements in the pursuit of the strategic objectives that each organisation sets itself.

DCP assists corporate ownership, management and the relevant corporate functions in analysing and defining a governance system that is suitable and appropriate for the needs and values expressed by the company.

In particular:

  • drafting, updating the Articles of Association and/or shareholders’ agreements;

  • design of internal policies, procedures and codes (remuneration policy, relations with related parties, insider information, internal dealing, rules of conduct, etc.)

  • definition of the system of powers and delegations and preparation of the resulting resolutions, special powers of attorney and/or internal delegations

  • assistance with company secretary duties (attending and participating in boards of directors’ meetings, shareholders’ meetings, duties at the Companies Register)


DCP’s professionals personally take up positions as independent directors or members of Boards of Auditors

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